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on September 4, 2007 at 5:36:17 pm
Are you going to MIX08?
MIX09 was recently announced by Microsoft and will be returning to the Venetian Resort Hotel Casion in Las Vegas on March 5-7, 2008. Make sure you mark your calendars, prep your managers, and save the date! If you're planning on attending MIX08, we're interested to know!
- Joe Levi: Senior Web Developer, Lifetime Products

Were you at MIX07?
I was curious to find out who went to MIX07 in Las Vegas. If you went, add your name to the list, and if you want say what you're interested in learning about and talking about, also what is your favorite color... While you're there maybe we can meetup in the Mix BlogZone.
- Dave Winer, Scripting News. Wanting to find out about new work in podcasting & news. Low tech, open source, cross-platform. Looking for help with the Windows version of Frontier (it's GPL'd).
- Twitter @ MIX, http://twitter.com/mix07 , (Text JOIN MIX07 to 40404)
- Shane Morris, User eXperience Bloke
- Scott Barnes, MossyBlog , http://twitter.com/MossyBlog
- Michael Kordahi, Delicate Genius Blog , http://twitter.com/delic8genius
- Mark Cohen, http://beingmarkcohen.com/ , http://twitter.com/markc
- Nik Cubrilovic, (blog) Omnidrive
- Rex Sorgatz, Fimoculous
- Facebook Event Site (RSVP is open)
- Joshua Allen, MSFT
- Joel Ross (RossCode.com)
- Jeff Sandquist (JeffSandquist.com) along with Channels 9, 10 and VisitMix.com
- Otto R. Radke, http://blog.ottoradke.com, http://twitter.com/ottoradke
- Guy Dickinson & Matt Brindley, ThinkFold
- Pete LePage, MSFT, http://www.twitter.com/petele http://blogs.msdn.com/petel
- Jeremy Cath, MSFT (Offbeatmammal Blog)
- Phil Haack (aka Haacked) (http://haacked.com, http://subtextproject.com/)
- Walt Ritscher ( http://wpfwonderland.wordpress.com )
- Ryan Block, Engadget
- Josh Bancroft, Intel Software Network, TinyScreenfuls.com. I'll be shooting HD video, blogging, and Twittering! Hunting for Really Awesome Software and the stories behind it, so if that's you, and you want to be in some Glorious HD Video (TM), track me down at MIX!
- Jim Ray
- Eric Appel, ericappel.net
- Michael Lehman MSFT (MS blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/mglehman new personal blog: www.independentinnovation.net) I'll be doing audio podcast interviews for Channel9. Ping me if you want to be heard!
- Christophe Lauer, Web & Windows Live Evangelist, Microsoft France (http://blogs.msdn.com/clauer/ ; http://twitter.com/clauer and http://www.boastr.com)
- Pierre Lagarde, Web & Office Evangelist, Microsoft France (http://blogs.developpeur.org/fox)
- paul mooney http://dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/paul/ Want to hear what Ray has to say about Live and how we're going to create it.
- Rob Zelt ( http://www.robzelt.com/blog )
- Joe Pruitt (http://devcentral.f5.com/weblogs/joe) - fusing applications and the networks that support them.
- Frank Shaw (http://glasshouse.waggeneredstrom.com), PR guy.
- Jeff Barr (http://www.jeff-barr.com and http://aws.typepad.com), Senior Web Services Evangelist, Amazon.com
- Mary Jo Foley (http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft)
- Simon Bisson and Mary Branscombe (www.sandm.co.uk) - freelance technology journalists from the UK; has Microsoft got the Web agility juice flowing yet? can Microsoft turn MIX into an industry gathering or will it just be a good place to see more MS demos? will Chris Wilson have to keep apologising?
- Bob Walsh, micro-ISV author, developer, blogger, podcaster (http://mymicroisv.com). What new human interface ideas are coming to life and who (micro-ISVs or not) would be good to have on Microsoft Channel 9's The MicroISV Show?
- Tim Sneath (http://blogs.msdn.com/tims). I run the Silverlight and WPF evangelism team; more than happy to chat about all the cool announcements we're making around these products at MIX07.
- Geoff Alday (www.geoffalday.com/glog). User Experience Designer looking forward to learning more about Silverlight, Designer/Developer collaboration, and interacting with my industry peers.
- Scott Kveton, http://janrain.com Looking to connect with folks on spreading the OpenID love, etc.
- Yannick Lejeune, http://www.yannicklejeune.com, Director of Internet (Systems & Marketing), IONIS Education Group, Looking forward to Microsoft Expression, Silverlight, next IE and Ray Ozzie.
- Jon Udell, http://blog.jonudell.net
- Jennifer Ritzinger, MIX07 Team
- Tim Aidlin, Design Evangelist http://taidlin.com | http://systim.spaces.live.com I helped design the MIX07 website, advertising, as well as designed some of the apps and visuals used at MIX. Check out the "Flitter Viewer," a WPF mashup that I worked on with Karsten that will be displaying on the big screens. Text JOIN MIX07 to 40404 to have your Twitters show up. Also, be sure to tag your MIX07 photos on Flickr with MIX07, too!
- Alan Le, Creative Developer @ Vertigo Software
- Angus Logan, http://blogs.msdn.com/angus_logan/, http://twitter.com/anguslogan, SMS +61 415 18 777 8 to catch up for a beer or nerdy chat
- Anil Dash, http://www.dashes.com/anil/">http://www.dashes.com/anil/ , http://www.sixapart.com/">http://www.sixapart.com/ I love seeing open source LAMPy web 2.0 folks and diehard .NET Windows guys peer across the room and realize the others are not their enemies
- Miguel de Icaza,http://www.mono-project.com (work) http://tirania.org/blog (personal) hoping to see Microsoft open up and embrace an inclusive culture of diversity.
- Anand Iyer, MSFT, http://artificialignorance.net
- Ryan Stewart (http://blog.digitalbackcountry.com) (http://blogs.zdnet.com/Stewart)
- Ryan Trudelle-Schwarz Magenic (Blog)
- Ian Muir, Blog , I'm interested to see more about Silverlight and getting BarCampMixer to go off without a hitch
- Don Burnett, Developer (http://www.donburnett.com) (http://blog.donburnett.com) and (http://michiganinteractivedesigners.org)
- Tom Conrad, CTO @ Pandora and also responsible for MSN Radio
- Bert Van Wassenhove, agency guy at ONE Agency blogger (http://www.ibert.be) > looking forward to join a blog dinner)
- Peter Hogenkamp, blogwerk.com, personal Blog
- Fergus Burns, ceo, nooked
- Tom Raftery - Tom Raftery's Social Media
- George Papadakis - personal blog
- Kevin Moore, MSFT - WPF, http://work.j832.com
- Ben McInnis, MSFT - MSN
- Andrew Shebanow, Adobe blogger
- Jon Galloway - http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway
- Beth Goza
- Andy Britcliffe - Conchango
- mike dopp (http://mikedopp.com): Web Developer, Lifetime Products
- Joe Levi: Senior Web Developer, Lifetime Products
- Bernard Farrell - Kronos. Personal - http://bernardfarrell.com/blog/blogger.html. More about Web Services and building UIs on these. Beyond the browser future plans for Microsoft.
- Tomek PiÄ…tek - Dev Manager @ ProjectX Technology. I'm a Mac guy and we're a Ruby on Rails shop. So why am I at MIX? We have probably one of the largest in the word (in terms of traffic) Ruby on Rails deployments on IIS + FastCGI. The site is Smaps. It's important to us to be able to deploy on IIS. I'm also very interested in Silverlight and the DLR. I think that Microsoft is doing some great things with this technology.
- Kris Hoet ('Cross The Breeze) - MSFT Marketing Manager
- Laurence Moroney (The Web.NEXT Blog) - MSFT Development Evangelist
- Keith May - Manager of Product Development for FarPoint Technologies, Inc., makers of Spread- spreadsheet components for ASP.NET and Win Forms.
- Damir Tomicic - german Blogger, Managing Director Axinom GmbH
- Don Campbell, Technical Evangelist for Office Live
(The password is roadtrip.)
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